All You Need To Know About Toric Lenses For Astigmatism

Toric contacts correct astigmatism, a gene vision concern caused by a distorted cornea or lens. People with astigmatism experience blurry vision, even when wearing standard prescription contact lenses. Toric lenses aren’t the only contact lenses for people with astigmatism. But they are the most liked contact lenses. Here are a few steps to help to get you started with toric contacts. 

How Do Toric Contacts Work?

Toric contact Lenses are much more complex than standard lenses. Most contacts are spherical just like slicing the edge off a beach ball. Toric contacts get their name from the torus (it's a doughnut-shaped surface). A shallow slice off the edge of the torus forms a lens with several focal lengths. This is necessary when correcting astigmatism because a prescription will change from one point to another due to the distorted lens or cornea. Toric contacts have some extra qualities that help them maintain in your eye by focusing power on the vertical and horizontal orientations, which is critical due to the difference in refractive qualities across a single lens. 

Can Anyone Wear Toric Contacts?

Toric contacts are designed for people with astigmatism. As with all contact lenses, you’ll need to see an ophthalmologist to get a prescription. Your eye doctor will have to take additional measures while your contact lens fitting. This is because the crooked lens or cornea–toric contact lenses need to be manufactured to unique specifications to correct astigmatism.

Can You Buy Toric Contact Lenses Online?

Yes, Contact Lens Xchange sells toric contact lenses from major manufacturers, including ACUVUE, Biofinity, Biomedics, PureVision, and DAILIES. You can buy daily and extended-wear toric contact lenses. Some lens brands offer multifocal toric contacts for people with presbyopia (gradual loss of eyes). Once you’ve found the right contact lens, simply upload your prescription & order your contact lens.

Different types of toric contacts

Toric contact lenses come in day-to-day use & they also treat other visual corrections. You can have both toric dailies as well as other disposable toric contact lenses. colored toric contact lenses are also an option that you can have. 

Toric contacts are also made with both soft and rigid gas permeable (RGP) in other words hard lenses. RGP lenses can be better at staying put & can be more dehydrated & softer. Soft toric contact lenses are more comfortable and easier to manage but need extra care in fitting to stay in position.

As with all contact lenses, make a conversation with your eye doctor about getting toric contact lenses for astigmatism. They can assist you to find the right correction.


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