Rules & Tips For First Time Contact Lens Wearer

Getting your first pair of contact lenses is thrilling. You will enjoy having the option of being free of eyeglasses. Your vision is one of your most important senses, so make good choices while using your contact lenses. Here are a few tips to start on the right path.

1. Relax

Most people are a little nervous when they try to wear their contact lenses for the first time. You may have concerns that you’ll hurt your eye. & you may think that the lens will become stuck behind your eye, but neither of these will happen. If your hands are clean, so you don't need to be afraid to touch your eyes. Also, your eye's back side is connected to the eyelid, so your lens cannot slip back there and get trapped.

2. Practice A Good Hygiene


Never take shortcuts when it comes to keeping your lenses free from dirt. Follow your optician's instructions carefully. If you are using a multipurpose solution, then rub your lenses with it every time you remove them & place them into a fresh solution. Don’t just top off what is already in your case. Every morning, when you put your lenses on, rinse the case with the fresh lens solution and leave it upside down on a paper towel to dry. Replace your case every month, or as advised by your local eye doctor.

3. Follow your doctor’s advice


Your eye doctor will recommend specific products designed for use according to your lens. Do not make an alternative option without asking first, even if it is a brand. You should always fix your appointment with your eye doctor once a month.

4. Hydration is key


It is very important to stay hydrated by drinking a ton of water when you wear contact lenses. You also want to use rewetting drops (again, ask your doctor for a recommendation to be sure the product you use is compatible with your lenses). 

5. Give your eyes an adjustment period

When you first start wearing your lenses, ask your doctor for guidance on getting used to them. You may want to limit wear to an hour or so the first day, slowly building up the time until you wear your lenses comfortably all day long.

6. Stick to the prescribed replacement schedule 

Unless your doctor prescribed continuous wear lenses especially, do not sleep in yours. You have to wear them only for the length of the prescribed time. Never wear your lenses for too long it can damage your eyes.

7. Develop good habits

There are lots of things you can do to ensure that your contact lens use is safe & hazard free. For example, always handle the same lens first to avoid the mess – i.e., handle your right lens first, and then your left. Keep your solution bottles tightly closed when you are not using them, and do not allow the tips to touch any surfaces such as your finger or the lens itself. Finally, if you want to apply hair products or chemicals, do it before you wear your lenses.


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