Why Should I Choose the Toric Contact Lenses


Toric lens implants are the contact lenses implanted internally inside our eyes to replace the natural lenses. We use the toric lens implants when a patient has astigmatism; It is essential to consider in the preoperative planning before the operation.

Patients with a significant degree of astigmatism often want to understand the implications for their vision after the surgery. They want to know what their vision will be like if they do not have their astigmatism corrected. Toric contact lenses work best for persons with both astigmatism and refractive errors. The instances of refractive errors are nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hyperopia).

Typically, soft contacts correct refractive errors only. They do nothing for astigmatism. But, toric lenses resolve both conditions at the same time. They fix the corneal shape, which causes refractive errors.

Toric lenses are of different brands, each offering spare fit options. If a particular brand does not fit you well, you may always try a little different brand until you get your most suited lenses.

Points To Be Noted

With such contact lenses, a pair from one brand might not work well for both eyes. The reason is that each eye has an exclusive type of astigmatism. As such, you may need more than a pair, and sometimes different brands, to get the best fit for your eyes. Your doctor will work with you to ensure that your vision improves and that you are comfortable. Toric lenses improve your vision significantly. 

 They are designed based on specific meridians measured from the pupil-like radius to a circle. The meridians determine the power of the lenses, which should be specific to your astigmatism.

Bottom Lines

Toric lenses offer protection from blue light known to damage the eyes progressively. People use most digital devices the whole day to produce high-energy blue light that may damage the retina. Blue light also increases the likelihood of developing macular degeneration.

Toric lenses protect your eyes from blue light, ultraviolet sun rays, and light from fluorescent light bulbs. Such kinds of lights get connected to increased risks of developing cataracts. As such, toric contact lenses protect the eyes from other degenerative eye diseases.


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