Wearing Contact lenses at the young age


Contact lenses at young age

We have often preferred to keep going through the queries like; Am I supposed to wear the contact lenses? Is it safe for children to start contact lenses at a young age?

Indeed there are no set rules for children's age and contact lenses. All these depend on how responsible your child is and how much parental support is being granted & is available.

Children as young as the 8-years-old may do well with contacts, while some teenagers may not be ready to handle the responsibility. A professional eye care provider won't advise the contacts for children younger than 12 years. Some of the advantages of contacts include better side (peripheral) vision which is helpful enough for sporty activities, and also for driving if your child is old enough to drive.

In some cases, the contacts can offer a better quality of vision than eyeglasses. Studies say that an improvised improvement in a child's self-perception when wearing contacts instead of glasses. Children are naturally good candidates to start wearing contact lenses as they are highly motivated; contact wear may improve their school performance and physical activity.

Association (AOA) Research and Information Centre in 2010 reported approximately 97% of optometrists fitted contact lenses for patients under 18. About 41% of optometrists have recommended children aged 8 to 17 with contact lenses in the US.


It is pretty essential to have a professional eye care provider to determine what type of vision correction a child needs.
Personal wear and care routines may depend on the type of contacts prescribed, the kind of vision problem being rectified, and the child’s eye chemistry. In some cases, extremely young children & even infants may need contact lenses. In such cases, parents or other caregivers must manage the placement and care of the lenses. Daily disposable lenses are more expensive and might reduce some of the risks, that come with wearing contact lenses. Don't forget to ask your child’s expert if contact lenses may be a little suspicious for your child.


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