Guidelines For Sleeping With Contact Lenses

Context Intent

sleeping in the contact lenses

Sparing your contact lenses free when you fall asleep or take a nap might make you more likely to grow severe eye infections. Even using contact lenses over a night may sound convenient enough & for that, you would have to determine after going through the optician’s all suggestions & recommendations if it is truly worth the risks that come with sleeping in the contact lenses.

sleeping in your contact lenses increases the risk of eye infection by 10-20 times.

It gets essential to remove & properly rinse the contact lenses each night to help kill any microbes before they multiply and cause an eye infection.
It’s much better to limit wear to about 10 hours a day to reduce the risk of infection.

How does it sound sleeping wearing the contact lenses? In a healthy patient who is capable of inserting and removing their lenses, in actuality, the risks of overnight wearing contact lenses often outweigh the benefits of having the contact lenses.

The cornea gets its oxygen supply from the air; when you close the eyes, the oxygen it receives deteriorates gradually.
For contact lens wearers, the oxygen recieved by the cornea is reduced; tending to sleep in contact lenses efficiently overcomes the amount of oxygen is being obtained by the cornea.
Lack of sufficient oxygen quantity within the eye reduces the cornea’s ability to fight off bacterial infections.

Technically the cornea swells due to the lack of oxygen, and this swelling results in gaps between the eye’s surface cells where bacteria start dwelling. Bacteria in the cornea increases the risk of getting corneal infections; Human beings blink up to 3 million times a year, & if you wear the contact lenses, every time our eyes blink against the contact, it causes a tiny graze.

Moreover, avoid sleeping with contact lenses; set the alarm as a reminder to take them off at night if you need to. If you must wear contact lenses to sleep overnight, use extended wear lenses approved by your eye doctor and stick to the maximum wearing times.
If you fall asleep with them in, remove them as soon as you can and let your eye recover for a day before wearing lenses again. Practicing good contact lens hygiene to protect yourself from infection.


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