Advantages Of Wearing Contact Lenses | Cosmetic Improvement Via Contact Lenses

Benefits of contact lenses

If your vision needs correction, you’ll receive an eyeglass prescription from your doctor and you may just want to wear glasses.

Benefits of contact lenses

Contact lenses have come a long way so far, offering some exciting alternatives for related customers. Even you can bat a pair of baby blues for day 1, then a duo of flash golden tiger eyes for the next day (sounds so appealing isn't it?). After you are done with the contacts, you can toss up your disposable contacts in the trash each night; Or you can leave in your extended wear lenses for an entire month.

For people having vision problems, options of contact lenses remain effective, for them. The thin plastic or glass lenses are layered over the eye cornea, to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, etc.

Choosing to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses for fixing vision problems depends mostly on personal preferences; like daily lifestyle schedule, comfort, convenience, and most importantly the budget. One can not be necessarily better than the other accordingly to nature; everything has its pros and cons in terms of vision, ease of use, and eye health.

"If you are planning for switching to contact lenses or have decided to wear them occasionally, then there are chances you might have several questions related to wearing the contact lenses. One of the very usual questions that could be there on your mind may be that what all types of contact lenses would be available in the market, what kind of contact lenses I should go for, and what makes these contact lenses different. You might also be keen on finding out their suitability to choose the best kind for yourself."

Our eyes are the most beautiful part of our face, and that's why none of us would like to often or occasionally hide them behind pair of spectacles/eyeglasses. That is where contact lenses provide you with the best solution for your eyes. The contact lenses enable you to enjoy clear vision and, at the same time, display your pair of eyes to the world around you, enhancing your facial appeal. Besides that, wearing contact lenses also nourishes you with a peripheral view, enabling you to enjoy a wider field of vision.

Best Things About Contact Lenses

No matter what style you choose, you must know that there're several benefits of contact lenses over spectacles. Contact lenses are available for adults and children, though it's highly recommended to your little ones wait to wear contacts until after age 10 (for safety and responsibility purposes). When you shop with a contact lens vendor online, you can choose from extended wear, daily wear, spherical, toric, bifocal and multifocal, monovision, tinted or colored, and rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses.

Feeling confused whether how to choose best contact lens for your eyes?

Let me guide you :)

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP)

Made of durable plastics, these give a sharper vision as compared to soft contact lenses. They provide a rigid fit, and the power of the eye lens proves right for those with astigmatism or similar eye conditions such as lack of sharp vision or irregularity of eyeball shape. As Rigid Gas Permeable lenses are made of durable plastics that’s why of which they are a little stiff in comparison to soft lenses. Once you start wearing RGP lenses, your eyes may take a few weeks to adjust to their material. But once you get used to it, you will be able to enjoy excellent depth perception and vision clarity. Unlike older versions of hard contact lenses, rigid gas permeable lenses are made with silicone polymers, allowing oxygen to circulate to the cornea of the eye. Compared to soft contact lenses, hard contacts maintain their shape better and offer clearer vision for some types of corrections. They are also easy to take care of and are extremely durable.

Toric Contact Lenses

Toric contact lenses are special lenses for people with astigmatism. Toric contact lenses are made from the same material as other contact lenses and come in soft or rigid gas permeable forms. Like bifocal lenses, toric lenses have two powers, one for the astigmatism and another for nearsightedness or farsightedness if either of these conditions is also present.

Soft Contact Lenses

Soft contact lenses are formed of flexible plastics like silicone-hydrogels which allow more oxygen to pass through to the cornea. Soft contact lenses for eyesight are made of flexible plastics using the latest optical technology. They allow more passage of oxygen through to the cornea and prove useful in correcting eye conditions such as Myopia, Hyperopia and Presbyopia. Developed through the latest optical technology, these are more breathable than rigid permeable lenses, and thus, more popular among lens wearers. However, these are less durable than RGP lenses. These are usually disposable and can be thrown away after a short period of use, generally every two to four weeks or daily, depending on the type of contact lens prescribed. Being able to have a fresh pair of soft contact lenses means less chance of infection, less cleaning, and more comfort, especially for people whose eyes naturally produce more protein that clouds contact lenses.


While most people choose soft contact lenses because of their benefits, there are also some disadvantages. Soft contact lenses easily absorb pollutants like lotion or soap from your hands, which can irritate your eyes. Soft contact lenses are also more fragile than hard contact lenses and can rip or tear easily.

Bifocal Contact Lenses

Bifocal contact lenses are designed to give good vision to people who have a presbyopia . These contact lenses work much like bifocal eyeglasses, having two powers on one lens one to correct distant vision and another to correct near vision. Bifocal contact lenses come as both soft and rigid gas permeable lenses.

Disposable Contact Lenses

Disposable contact lenses can be frequently disposed of or replaced after one or a few uses. Based on this, they may be referred to as dailies or monthlies. Usually, soft lenses come in the form of disposable ones. These lenses are single-use lenses that are removed and discarded at the end of each day, and a fresh pair of lenses is applied to the eyes the next morning.


Whether you choose to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses for vision correction mostly depends on personal preferences. Lifestyle, comfort, convenience, budget and aesthetics should all factor into your decision-making process. Before deciding between contacts and glasses, keep in mind that one is not necessarily better than the other; each has its pros and cons in terms of vision, ease of use and eye health.


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