Advantages and Disadvantages of Gas-Permeable Contact Lenses

Gas permeable contact lenses are rigid lenses made of durable plastic that transmits oxygen. These lenses also are called oxygen permeable lenses. Here are the pros and cons of Gas-Permeable Contact Lenses:


Gas permeable contact lenses are rigid, they are comfortable to wear. In fact, some people with dry eyes find them to be more comfortable than soft contact lenses because gas-permeable lenses are breathable, and help in reducing the risk of eye infections. Gas permeable contact lenses also tend to last longer than soft lenses because they are stronger.


Since gas-permeable contact lenses are more rigid than soft contact lenses. One of the problems that are associated with Gas permeable contact lenses is the comfort aspect. When you start wearing them at first they can be quite uncomfortable. After some time, you will feel a very good level of comfort with them.

Choosing whether to buy soft contact lenses or gas permeable contact lenses is really a matter of personal choice.


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