How to take care of your eyes in Autumn

Our handy guide of tips on how to take care of your beautiful eyes and contact lenses during the autumn weather:

Treat your dry eyes: Contact lens wearers can use eye drops to protect their eyes from getting dry.

Rest your eyes: Tiredness has an impact on the entire body, but your eyes are the first to indicate it. Eye fatigue can be such a pain, so here are some things to do to handle it:

  • Digital strain is the main cause of eye fatigue and the easiest way of combating it is by taking 20 seconds every 20 minutes to let your eyes focus on something 20 feet away from your screen.
  • Many of us are working from home, our hours of screen time have rapidly increased. Try to take your lunch break away from your computer and put your phone away 30 minutes before going to bed, in order to let your eyes rest properly.

Get enough sleep: Make sure to get your beauty sleep every night as your body needs all the rest it can get. Remember that falling asleep with your contact lenses in is also a big no-no, as this can cause dry and itchy eyes, too. Best to visit your optician for an eye test to find out if this is a good solution for you.

Move those eye muscles: To help tired, agitated eyes feel more comfortable at the end of the day, or to give them a boost during an afternoon slump, try out some eye exercises. These super-easy techniques will relax your eyes, improve circulation and strengthen your eye muscles.

Switch to dailies: During this season and at a time when your eyes get drier much easier, opting for daily disposable contact lenses can solve all your problems. As you remove these lenses away before bed, and wear a fresh, new pair every day, you don't have to worry about dust build-ups irritating your eyes.


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