Effective Do’s and Don’ts tips for Contact Lens Wearers

Here are a few do’s and don’ts for Contact Lens Wearers:

1. DON’T sleep in your contacts

When you’re tired, spending the time to take out your contacts can feel like a burden. But sleeping with them reduces oxygen flow to the eye and this can cause eye infections so avoid wearing contact lenses while sleeping.

2. DO get an eye exam annually

The wrong size may affect your vision, resulting in serious vision hence an annual check-up can determine the perfect size for your eyes. Because contact lenses with a perfect fit can give you a clear vision and great comfort.

3. DON’T wear your lenses past their recommended time

Some people wear contact lenses more than their recommended time, it may cause allergies so contact lenses needs to be changed as per their scheduled duration, if your lenses are designed to be replaced daily, every two weeks or monthly, you should replace them on time.

4. DO wash your lenses and case properly

Never rinse your contacts with tap water or stick them in your mouth. Tap water is not sterile and may contain organisms that can cause very severe infections. Contact lenses should be cleaned with a commercial contact lens solution, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

5. DON’T ignore the warning signs of infection

If you are experiencing pain, redness, blurriness, or light sensitivity then it’s time to see an optometrist or ophthalmologist as soon as possible. The majority of contact lens-related problems don’t lead to any serious issues.

By knowing the above shared facts, you can comfortably wear contact lenses without facing any issues.


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