Essential Tips for Wearing Contact Lenses in the Winter Season

Contact lens wearers often suffer from dry eyes, particularly in the winters. This is usually caused by cold weather conditions as Cold and windy weather can dry your eyes. Here are essential tips to follow by contact lens wearers during the winter season-

Don’t wear contact lenses for longer duration:

Colored contacts come with a recommendation for how long they should be worn. In the dry winter weather, it is even essential to follow these guidelines and avoid wearing contact lenses more than the recommended time.

Changing Contact Lenses

Do not forget to change your contact lenses according to your schedule or suggested by ophthalmologist. Depending upon your need, it is necessary to change your contact lenses daily, once a week, once every two weeks or monthly. 

Use Eye Drops:

Make sure to keep a small bottle of eye drops with you to lubricate your eyes as and when required. Eye drops are helpful in hydrating your eyes and prevent your eyes from getting dry. You can use eye drops one to two times a day.


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