How long can you wear Monthly Contact Lenses?
Monthly contacts are generally worn throughout the day, cleaned and stored each night, and then disposed of after a month. Wearing your contacts for an extended period of time even while sleeping allows debris to build up under the lenses and potentially lead to severe eye infections or corneal complications.

The FDA warns that wearing contacts overnight can provoke stress to the cornea and insufficient oxygen to the lenses, and this can cause corneal damage, elevating the odds for infection.
Complications: Monthly Contacts Lenses
Wearing monthly contact lenses beyond their recommended time can increase the potential for negative consequences.
The FDA warns that wearing contacts overnight can provoke stress to the cornea and insufficient oxygen to the lenses, and this can cause corneal damage, elevating the odds for infection.
Complications: Monthly Contacts Lenses
- Hypoxia: lack of enough oxygen flowing through the lens to the eye.
- May lead to Corneal problems, including ulcers, infectious keratitis, tears, abrasions, and sores.
- Irritation and inflammation, can become chronic and make it hard for you to continue to wear contacts at all.
- Conjunctivitis: infection in the conjunctiva that lines the eyelids.
- Eye infection: serious and cause lasting damage to the eye.
Wearing monthly contact lenses beyond their recommended time can increase the potential for negative consequences.
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