Can I wear contact lenses after laser eye surgery?

Have you recently undergone Laser Eye Surgery? Perhaps, wondering if you can enhance your look by wearing colored contact lenses after laser eye surgery?

Yes!, you are well-armored to do so.

contact lenses

It’s perfectly safe to wear contact lenses after laser eye surgery. Eye specialists here advise waiting for 6-8 months after laser eye surgery before considering wearing cosmetic contact lenses. However, it is necessary to assert that colored contact lenses can only be worn once they have been accurately and professionally fitted after surgery as the fitting is notably important for good eye health.

Eventually, you need to consult your optometrist before utilizing cosmetic contacts. The inappropriate choice for contacts may drive the risk of damaging the cornea which may appear as a severe eye infection. There is a common misconception about Contact lenses that ‘one size fits all. However, everyone has different eye shapes and apparently different contacts. Your optometrist will also be able to advise you to elect lenses of the most appropriate brands of Colored Contact Lenses.


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