Do’s and Don'ts While Wearing Contact Lenses


Wearing Contact Lenses

A recent servey found that 80 percent of contact lens wearers admitted to at least one poor lens hygiene habit that could lead to infection, such as rinsing the lenses in tap water. Most of the people have visited a doctor for red or painful eye issues related to their contact lenses. The major concern of the patients are problems related to contact lenses cause minor irritation. These are serious eye conditions that are extremely painful and may lead to permanent vision loss.

Here are some Do’s and Don’ts that everyone should follow:-

  • Always clean contact lenses properly as per the prescribed by your doctor. It may cause temporary irritation.
  • Wash contact lenses thoroughly before using.
  • Clean the contact lenses everyday even if you are not using them. Always clean them with a prescribed solution and put them back in the case.
  • Replace contact lenses as often as prescribed.
  • Keep your nails short to avoid eye injury and contact lenses
  • Wear your contact lens before wearing eye makeup and remove the lenses first and then the eye makeup.
  • If you are wearing contact for the first time, start with a few hours then gradually increase the length of time you wear them every day.

  • Don’t wear contact lenses if you have dry eyes as they increase more dryness.
  • Don’t wear contact lenses if you suffer from eye allergies or repeated infections.
  • Avoid the use of contact lenses when working for a long time on a computer as it may decrease the life of Comfortable Contact Lens wear.
  • Don’t use any homemade or non branded contact lens solutions.
  • Don’t use expired contact lenses or contact lens solutions as It may affect your eyes.
  • Don’t wear your lenses while sleeping.
  • Don’t clean your lenses with water or saliva as this can cause infections.


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