Benefits of Wearing Contact Lenses Over Glasses


Don’t want to wear eyeglasses? Then contact lenses are a great alternative. And Contact Lens Xchange has so many varieties to choose from, nearly everyone can wear them. Daily disposable lenses have the ultimate feature, wear them once and throw them away. Other options are gas permeable contact lenses, lenses for overnight wear. Contact lenses have many advantages over glasses, not just from the practical point of view but for visual reasons too.

Woman with contacts

Some of The Benefits of Contact Lenses Are:

Wider field view: Contact lenses provide all-round vision while glass frames restrict the field of view.

Greater stability: Lenses have great stability and less risk of dislodging contact lenses.

Not affected by fogging or rain: Contact lenses are not as exposed to environmental conditions as glasses.

Protect against peripheral and oblique UV: Contact lenses offer additional protection when used with sunglasses.

Low risk of damage to lenses:
High risk of damage to glasses during wear and potential trauma from lenses and frames.

Can be thrown away: Lost or damaged glasses are costly to replace.

Fewer minification/magnification effects: The size of viewed objects is more constant with contact lenses ('real-world').

Less adaptation needed: After the initial adaptation, changes in contact lens power need very less adaptation.

Better depth perception:
Contact lenses allow more stable vision and better depth perception.

Fewer distortions: Contact lenses move with the eyes so the center of the lens is always in the line of sight so the chances of distortion are less.

Fewer reflections: Glass wearers may experience reflections off the lens surfaces.


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