7 Things to Avoid While Wearing Contact Lens

Wearing Contact Lens

Wearing Contacts beautifies our eyes but learning how to wear contacts can take a little time. You need to get familiar with putting lenses in, taking them out, and maintaining them. But you also should also be careful when using contacts, so as not to damage them or your eyes. You can't wear contacts all time and there are situations when contacts aren't the right choice compared to glasses.

Here are 7 things to avoid while wearing contacts that can help you take good care of your eyes and contact lenses:

Don’t Rub Your Eyes

When you wear contact lenses, you should not rub your eyes at all. This can cause damage to your cornea, which may lead to serious damage to your vision or possibly a need for eye surgery.

Don’t Touch Your Contacts With Dirty Hands

Your hands collect a whole bunch of germs. You should always wash and dry your hands thoroughly before touching your lenses. One-touch of your eye can transfer germs to your lenses and damage them or your eyes with a serious infection.

Don't Let Water On Your Lens

Don't ever go swimming with your contact lenses in. There are several kinds of bacteria in the water that can damage your lenses and eyes. So, keep your lenses away from water. If you go swimming, simply leave your lenses in the changing room or wear tight-fitting goggles.

Don’t Stress your Eyes

Your eyes need to breathe. If they are red, dry, or itchy, this could be a sign you need to take your lenses out and give your eyes a chance to breathe. It is important that you do this throughout the day and every night.

Don’t Fall Asleep With Your Contacts On

Sleeping with your contact lenses can dry out your eyes and cause long-term damage to your vision. With contact lenses in your eyes all night, the accumulation of proteins and lipids in your contact lenses can make it very uncomfortable for your eyes.

Don’t Expose Your Lens to Dust

Always put your contacts in the case. Don't leave the case of your contact anywhere and carry it wherever you go. Daily cleaning and air drying help to remove any buildup of bacteria.

Don’t Wear Lenses Without Cleaning Them

Always use a fresh solution when keeping contacts back and before using it too. Regular cleaning may seem like a hassle, but it is the best way to avoid an infection or irritation. A few minutes spent every day will be a long way in terms of your eye health and the quality of your vision.
Wearing contact lenses is popular among people of all age groups due to the comfort and convenience it provides. Try Ciba Vision and GEO Medical Co. Contact Lenses for an awesome experience.


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