Why Do My Multifocal Contact Lenses Feel Uncomfortable? Common Fit Issues and Solutions
Multifocal contact lenses are a popular solution for people with presbyopia, allowing them to see clearly at different distances. However, many users experience discomfort, blurry vision, or difficulty adapting to these lenses. If your multifocal contact lenses feel uncomfortable, there are several common fit and adjustment issues that might be causing the problem. In this guide, we’ll explore why multifocal lenses can be uncomfortable and provide practical solutions to help you achieve a better fit. Common Fit Issues with Multifocal Contact Lenses 1. Poor Lens Fit Multifocal lenses must sit correctly on the eye to function properly. If the lens moves too much , it can cause blurriness, discomfort, or irritation . If the lens is too tight , it can lead to redness, dryness, and eye strain . Solution: Get a comprehensive eye exam to ensure the correct lens size and curvature . Your optometrist can adjust the fit or recommend a different brand for better comfort. 2. Difficulty...
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