Lenses Guide: Your One-Stop Solution for Introductory Insight

Abstract There are many types of lenses available in the market. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages associated with them. But it is very necessary to choose the best types of contact lenses that fit your needs. As this is a matter of eyes so we can not take it casually. Instead, each and every detail associated with contact lenses have to be noted and taken good care of. Here are some types of contact lenses listed with their associated usage and advantages. Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Gas permeable contact lenses are rigid contact lenses that are made up of durable plastic that transmits oxygen. These lenses also are called GP lenses. These lenses float on a layer of tears and cover about 75 percent of the cornea. RGP lenses provide better vision, durability, and deposit resistance. These lenses last longer than other types of lenses and are less expensive. Certain advantages associated with them are- Excellent vision Short adaptation period Comfort...